Meet the Anti-Rockstar

Hi, my name is Mike and I’m an Anti-Rockstar. What the heck is an anti-rockstar? Well, lets just say it’s someone that isn’t worried about the hype, the fame or the rock star lottery fantasy (you know, where something magical happens and you live the sex – drugs and rock n’ roll life style until … Read more

Indie Band Alliances for Music Business Success

While most bands overlook the possibilities in front of them, professionals understand that music business success through Indie band alliances are the way to go. Many bands are frustrated with their lack of progress towards reaching their goals, whether it’s to sell more CDs, get more gigs or to play in front of more people.  … Read more

Two Great Web Sites For Indie-Bands

[ad#inpost]In the last few months I’ve stumbled upon two web sites that I think independent bands should know about, they are Reverb Nation and Artists House Music. Reverb Nation is pretty much the musician/band version of Myspace on steroids! The amount of tools offered to bands is pretty outrageous; everything from unlimited hosting of your … Read more