Giving Away Free Songs and the Spirit of Giving

I’ve been thinking about the spirit of giving that is celebrated each year at this time and also happens to be a big part of a winning strategy to acquire new fans and build up a list. You offer a free download (it could be a single song, EP or full album – it’s up … Read more

Music Marketing Manifesto 2.0

[leadplayer_vid id=”508922C4918AF”] MMM UPDATE: Since I first published this review, John has released version 3 of the Music Marketing Manifesto. It is a significant upgrade over version 2.0 as he has now worked with thousands of musicians teaching his core music marketing strategies. He’s streamlined the training to just the techniques that are the most effective … Read more

Music Marketing Manifesto Review

Cover of John Oszajca The Music Marketing Manifesto training for helping musicians build and grow their audience so they can sell more of their music is perhaps the longest-living training of its kind geared specifically to musicians online. It hinges squarely upon direct response marketing fundamentals of targeting a specific audience and making an offer … Read more