New Music Economy Blueprint

Greg Rollet from Gen Y has been launching a new product this week called the New Music Economy Blueprint. He’s released some videos and given away his blueprint as well as a squeeze page template and a script. Lastly – he made a few videos with Nick Nanton that explore the blueprint in a little bit more detail.

All of these videos are chocked full of great content for musicians that want to make money from the current state of the music industry. It’s great for beginners or a refresher for those that may have heard some of this stuff before.

This content has been released as part of a pre-launch for the New Music Economy Blueprint program which is opening on Monday. The details have been hazy so far, but it seems to be the same content from the New Music Economy product Greg sells for $47 – except that there’s a coaching side to it, and it’s also going to be limited to only 25 people. So far there hasn’t been a single mention of what the cost for this program is going to be. However, there’s one more video coming out tomorrow that will spell out the details.

More to come – you can get up to speed by visiting the New Music Economy Blueprint and opting in.

UPDATE: While the program is similar to the New Music Economy – it goes far beyond it with accountability and a weekly live coaching call; which makes this a perfect training program for those who need a little more hand holding than the NME provided. However, it comes at a price – $197 for 3 months or a $400 one time payment.

Definitely not for everybody, but possibly the missing piece for people that need further guidance on how to integrate online marketing with their music business.

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