Third Anniversary of the Alliance

It’s September and the third anniversary of the Indie Band Alliance website. To mark the event, I plan to release something that has been getting some great feedback so far to the select few musicians who’ve been brave enough to look it over (and actually want to make music for a living).

I’m putting together something special for musicians who are looking for a GPS through the twisted wreckage of the music industry and don’t want to pay out of their ear for a billion different services to have a shot at success.

Most of what I see in the music advice category would have you spending upwards of $50/month to have your own site, an auto responder and the ability to sell one disc full of music online. I think there are other options that can work just as well for cheaper and get you closer to having a full time music career.

My goal is to get you to the point where you can earn a full time income as an independent musician. Getting there is a bit of a journey, but one of the first things to ensure that you can reach escape velocity is to not weigh yourself with anything that is not absolutely vital to your mission. So when I see recommendations for bands to spend $20 bucks here, $15 bucks there and so on per month, well…all that money adds up doesn’t it?

So not only will I give you a goal and help you with the steps to get you there, I’m also going to give you the most affordable options that I know. Cut narrow, cut deep, save money and kick ass! All this and helping you to manage your time so that you still get to play your instrument and not just the (computer) keyboard.

Earn money as a musician and quit the day job, I think that’s what most of us want at the end of the day. Want to make music full time? I can’t wait to share this stuff with you in a few weeks (hopefully sooner)!


Update – Just leave your name and email on the side bar and you’ll get the free report I’ve been hinting at. Not sure how long it’ll be up there for…so grab it while you can!

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